Thursday, February 25, 2010

I met Lee LeFever of Common Craft this morning.

Common Craft is the benchmark for online explanatory videos. He and his wife Sachi "wrote the book". I learned about Lee's company Common Craft a couple years ago when I was asked to make an explanatory video for Tagga which turned out to be the first Claytorial.

He was one one of my first Twitter friends and today we met for the first time at a coffee shop. I had to smile when I heard his distinctive voice (that I had only heard in his videos). He and his wife are here taking in the Olympics. We talked about the games, our embarrassing countrymen, the rise of the flag cape and the possible upcoming Canada vs. USA gold medal hockey game.

I took a few photos of him... but they didn't turn out (my fault... not his face's)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Within one block from my house...

I came home disappointed with these images... I had seen some things I wanted to capture not far from my apartment building and set out to capture them... they didn't turn out how I wanted (I checked them on the camera) and I was a little frustrated with it. I came home shoulders slumped and put them into the computer and discovered I had indeed not gotten what I set out for... but got something else... that I liked.

Sunday, February 07, 2010


I never quite got it right in the edit... and it's likely boring to a lot of people... but... I really like a lot of things about it.

Tango from Michael Edmondson on Vimeo.